Seven years ago, after a difficult divorce, Dominika Zaka (31) decided to break with consumer society and all its expectations, obligations and yellow cheques. She moved to a yurt and started self-sustaining farming in harmony with nature. She learned to care for backyard animals, to tend a vegetable garden and orchards. She travels on horseback wherever possible. She started writing about her nomadic life of total renunciation a few years ago: four books have been published since then. Her personal blog, her writings read by thousands, is about her life close to nature, her experience of total freedom from social expectations, her human relationships and the formation of her own personality.

Dominika is an inspiration to those who live a natural, slow-paced life and to those who only dream of it. Her awareness, the joy of living her daily life and her acceptance of the difficulties of her life’s journey as a lesson to be followed by many.